Berowra maintained a relentless focus on improving student writing outcomes throughout Terms 3 & 4.
In Early Stage 1 writing was incorporated into daily routines booth online and on site. The "Draw, Talk, Write, Share" strategy was used. Quality texts were used for each week's writing and literacy learning. Class & individual goals were used to promote self-regulation.
Stage 2 explored different types of text using the DoE "Everyone's an Author" resource. They maintained a focus on improving sentence structure. Visible Thinking Routines were used to build vocabulary and ideas for writing. There were some whole stage investigations of morphology investigations (as below)
Changes in staff understanding of the writing process were captured in structured reflections, "I used to think .... and now I think ......"
Plans are underway for 2022 including: a revisiting of the "Worthwhile Lesson" model, professional learning on interactive writing, and demonstration lessons with a focus on modelled writing, joint construction and feedback.
Plans are underway for 2022 including: a revisiting of the "Worthwhile Lesson" model, professional learning on interactive writing, and demonstration lessons with a focus on modelled writing, joint construction and feedback.