Here are the steps our schools have taken since their round to strengthen learning & teaching of reading The JPPS problem of practice focused on how to develop students' inferential comprehension.
The JPPS team chose to start their learning journey by listening closely to students to identify where they were losing meaning. The team then selected the round recommendations which focused on developing students' vocabulary and set about exploring various strategies to better teach this critical aspect.
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Teachers shared successful strategies for teaching vocabulary, including the SEEC model. They collaboratively planned lessons to meet pre-determined Success Criteria.
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Stage teams developed learning trajectories, and continued the vocabulary focus during Home Learning. Successes were celebrated with staff and parents. Finally, a dilemma was posed to the network about the next steps in implementation.
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The first step the Stage 1 team took was to video students reading a text and to listen to their responses to better understand what students were thinking whilst they were reading.
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The Stage 1 team identified that vocabulary was a major contributor to lack of comprehension for many students. Learning tasks were developed to highlight the learning of vocabulary during the "Home Learning" period. Some examples from Stage 1 are below.
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The Stage 2 and 3 teams used a Lesson Study approach to better understand what teaching practices made an impact to student learning. Their first inquiry question was based on developing students' skill in justifying their opinions using evidence from a persuasive text. Here is the presentation for their first Lesson Study.
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