'The Pit is an example used by Stonefields PS that teaches students strategies to use when they feel that they are stuck and unsure what to do next. It provides the students with a range of strategies to use to help themselves find answers and move their learning forward - further promoting the Growth Mindset.' - learn more at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGbGiMeLk_M

'Students need to feel in charge of their learning and be able to self /peer monitor to enable them to learn life skills such as: how to achieve a goal, how to self correct, and how to move their learning forward. Reflection questions, rubrics and checklists are helpful.'
Learn more: chs 4 & 5, Embedding Formative Assessment, Wiliam & Leahy
Learn more: chs 4 & 5, Embedding Formative Assessment, Wiliam & Leahy

'Providing exemplars allows students to see what good work looks like. You can also provide poor examples to show where common mistakes are made and how they can improve their work.'
Learn more: pp41-45, Embedding Formative Assessment, William & Leahy
Learn more: pp41-45, Embedding Formative Assessment, William & Leahy

'Students need to be able to learn from each other. Think / Pair / Share allows students time to think their way through a problem, before sharing their ideas with a partner and later with the class. The multiple contributions from students provide the class with a range of ideas to analyse - helping them learn to be open to more than one way of thinking AND consider their peers as fellow teachers.'
Learn more: Talk Partners (library resource 7)
Learn more: Talk Partners (library resource 7)

'We need to provide an environment where students are comfortable making mistakes and believe that they can get better at just about everything with effort and support.'
Learn more: www.mindsetworks.com/
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